School/Applied Child Psychology
Research Interests: resilience building, mental health in schools, emotion regulation
Email Address: julia.milad@mail.mcgill.ca
2024 – Professional and Research Development Award, Education Graduate Student Society (EGSS; $100)
2023 – Graduate Excellence Fellowship, McGill University ($8000)
2022 – Bourse de maîtrise en recherche, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQ-S, $17,000; declined)
2021 – Tomlinson Engagement Award for Mentoring, McGill University ($300)
Moumne, S., Petrovic, J., Milad, J. M., & Heath, N. L. (submitted). Understanding emotion regulation goals and difficulties in young adulthood: The importance of parental emotion socialization in childhood. Current Psychology.
Shireen, H., Milad, J., Ziderman, Y., & Knäuper, B. (2024). A body scan meditation reduces negative affect and food cravings in emotional eaters: A randomized controlled study of the effects, mediators, and moderators. Mindfulness, 15(1), 189-202. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-023-02267-5
Petrovic, J., Milad, J. M., Mettler, J., Hamza, C. A., & Heath, N. L. (2024). Surprise and delight: Response to informal versus formal mindfulness among university students with self-injury. Psychological Services, 21(3), 674-684. https://doi.org/10.1037/ser0000825
Shireen, H., Castelli, S., Legault, M., Dor-Ziderman, Y., Milad, J., & Knäuper, B. (2022). Phenomenological support for escape theory: A qualitative study using explicitation interviews with emotional eaters. Journal of Eating Disorders, 10(1), 174. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40337-022-00690-y
Milad, J., Simundic, A., Petrovic, J., & Heath, N. L. (2025, August). Social connectedness and interpersonal mindfulness in students with and without recent self-injury. Poster submitted to the American Psychological Association (APA) Conference, Denver, CO, USA.
Milad, J., Mettler, J., Petrovic, J., Zito, S., Rogers, M. A., Bloom, E., & Heath, N. L. (2024, June). “Am I doing it wrong?”: A qualitative exploration of formal and informal mindfulness activities for university students with ADHD. Talk presented at the 85th annual Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) conference, Ottawa, ON.
Milad, J., Petrovic, J., Mettler, J., & Heath, N. L. (2023, June). "I honestly thought there was like no hope left for me in the meditation realm!": Informal mindfulness practice as a promising strategy for university students with recent self-injury. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association’s 84th Annual National Convention, Toronto, ON.
Böke, N., Mettler, J., Riondino, G., Milad, J., Sadowski, I., Heath, N. L. (2023, June). “Mindfulness doesn’t work for me”: You’re doing it all wrong! Talk presented at the 11th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (11CEA), San Diego, CA.
Shireen, H., Milad, J., Dor-Ziderman, Y., & Knäuper, B. (2022, November). A body scan meditation reduces negative affect and food cravings in emotional eaters: A randomized controlled study of the effects, mediators, and moderators. Brief paper presented at the International Conference for Mindfulness Asia-Pacific (virtual).
Kiafar, A., Milad, J., Cho, S., Bastien, L., Mettler, J., Weintraub, G., & Heath, N. L. (2022, June). Evaluating the acceptability, feasibility, and satisfaction of an accessible infographic guide for selecting online mental health resources for adolescents. Poster presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Convention, Calgary, AB.
Milad, J., Mettler, J., Fournier, S., Kiafar, A., Sadowski, I., Weintraub, G., & Heath, N. L. (2022, May). E-mental health resource provision for adolescents: Development and implementation of a best practice guide. Poster presented at the Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP) conference, Saint-Sauveur, QC.
Milad, J., Shireen, H., & Knäuper, B. (2022, April). Examining the effects and associated moderators of a body scan meditation in reducing emotional eating: A randomized controlled trial. Poster presented at McGill’s Department of Psychology Undergraduate Poster Session, Montreal, Quebec.
Sadowski, I., Bastien, L., Milad, J., Mettler, J., Weintraub, G., & Heath, N. L. (2021, October). School mental health professionals’ role in online resource provision to adolescents. Poster presented at the Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health (virtual).
Bastien, L., Petrovic, J., Mettler, J., Milad, J., & Heath, N. L. (2021, June). Dispositional mindfulness and attitudes towards mindfulness in students with a history of self-injury. Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Self Injury (ISSS) Conference (virtual).
Bastien, L., Petrovic, J., Mettler, J., Milad, J., & Heath, N. L. (2021, April). Are students with a history of self-injury less receptive to mindfulness? Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Virtual Convention.
Milad, J., Kachanoff, F., & Kteily, N. (2021, April). Does having discussions about shared inequities bring members of disadvantaged groups closer together and/or fuel their contempt towards advantaged groups? Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Virtual Convention.
Milad, J., Nordine, A., Petrovic, J., Bastien, L., Mettler, J., & Heath, N. L. (2021, April). University student adjustment to COVID-19: An exploration beyond the negative. Poster presented at McGill University's 5th Annual Human Development conference (virtual).
Bastien, L., Milad, J., Kassaye, S., & Heath, N. L. (2020, August). Managing stress in university. Invited workshop presented at McGill’s Faculty of Education Orientation Week (virtual).