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Writer's pictureDAIR ResearchTeam

DAIR team research findings presented at the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) conference

DAIR team research findings were recently presented at the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) conference in Ottawa, Ontario from June 21 to 23, 2024! Julia Petrovic (PhD candidate in Human Development), Julia Milad (master's student in School/Applied Child Psychology), and Stephanie Zito (PhD candidate in School/Applied Child Psychology) all delivered Fast-5 presentations (titles below). Julia P also served on a student-led panel discussing non-clinical career paths in psychology. Well done to all!

Julia P: Mindfulness made simple: The potential promise of informal mindfulness for university students with and without recent self-injury

Julia M: “Am I doing it wrong?”: A qualitative exploration of formal and informal mindfulness activities for university students with ADHD

Stephanie: Group-based mindfulness interventions for neurodiverse youth: A scoping review



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